NASA Publication
by the Experiment Development and Payload Evaluation Project
PURPOSE: to look at Earth, take measurements and decide how man can improve life thereon.
Skylab was for NASA an important step in preparing for future routine space operations with the advent of the cheaper space shuttles.
It was to probe the sun as the main source of energy and evaluate man's ability to live and work in space over long periods of time.
NASA Publication
by the Experiment Development and Payload Evaluation Project
PURPOSE: to look at Earth, take measurements and decide how man can improve life thereon.
Skylab was for NASA an important step in preparing for future routine space operations with the advent of the cheaper space shuttles.
Responsible for CSM Systems and Flight Planning.
Experiment activities included: Earth Resources Experiment Package Control and Display Panel Operation, Manoeuvring Equipment Evaluations, Retrieval of Thermal Control Coating Samples, Radiation Monitoring in Spacecraft, Biological Assessment of Circadian Rhythm Experiment and Conducting of Zero Gravity Effects on Human Cells.
Responsible for ATM Systems and Medical Experiments and Systems.
Experiment activities included:
Maintenance of Medical and Life Support Systems, Photography of Horizon Ultraviolet Airglow, Evaluation of Human Vestibular Function, Sleep Monitoring, Calibration of Specimen and Body Mass Measuring Devices, Conduct of Time and Motion Studies and Maintenance of Apollo Telescope Mount Control and Display Panel Equipment.
Responsible for Earth Observations, Experiment Systems and Cluster Systems (AM, MDA, OWS). Experiment activities included:
Operation of Infrared Spectrometer Tracking, Manual Navigation Sightings, Monitoring of Spacecraft Aerosol Environment, Measurement of Crew Induced Vehicle Disturbances, Materials and Processes Investigations, Habitability and Crew Quarter Assessment, Earth Resources Experiment Package Sensor Maintenance, Stellar Astronomy Experiments and Skylab Contamination Experiments.
Responsible for CSM Systems and Flight Planning.
Experiment activities included: Earth Resources Experiment Package Control and Display Panel Operation, Manoeuvring Equipment Evaluations, Retrieval of Thermal Control Coating Samples, Radiation Monitoring in Spacecraft, Biological Assessment of Circadian Rhythm Experiment and Conducting of Zero Gravity Effects on Human Cells.
Responsible for ATM Systems and Medical Experiments and Systems.
Experiment activities included:
Maintenance of Medical and Life Support Systems, Photography of Horizon Ultraviolet Airglow, Evaluation of Human Vestibular Function, Sleep Monitoring, Calibration of Specimen and Body Mass Measuring Devices, Conduct of Time and Motion Studies and Maintenance of Apollo Telescope Mount Control and Display Panel Equipment.
Responsible for Earth Observations, Experiment Systems and Cluster Systems (AM, MDA, OWS). Experiment activities included:
Operation of Infrared Spectrometer Tracking, Manual Navigation Sightings, Monitoring of Spacecraft Aerosol Environment, Measurement of Crew Induced Vehicle Disturbances, Materials and Processes Investigations, Habitability and Crew Quarter Assessment, Earth Resources Experiment Package Sensor Maintenance, Stellar Astronomy Experiments and Skylab Contamination Experiments.
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